Intro Text

Printed Matter

Direction Graphic Comission
Com­ple­tion date: 2014
Cre­ated for the ex­hi­bi­tion
within the par­al­lel pro­gram of
man­i­festa 10 in St. Pe­ters­burg

“The printed mat­ter” is a ti­tle of the ex­hi­bi­tion, that raises the is­sue of dis­ap­pear­ance of the pa­per me­dia, om­nipresent dig­i­tal­iza­tion of text, and of­fers an analy­sis of the sit­u­a­tion through the work of Russ­ian, Euro- pean and Amer­i­can artists and their re­flec­tions on the fate of the hand-made works in the tech world.

The goal was to cre­ate a printed mat­ter for the ex­hi­bi­tion ti­tled ‘Printed Mat­ter’ aim­ing to re­flect on the no­tion of printed ma­te­ri­als and tech­nics.

In the print­ing process very fine silkscreen was in­volved with at­ten­tion to de­tails, such as pa­per type & tex­ture, col­ors etc. Editorial IllustrationsnextEditorial Illustrations